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Proceedings of the Centenary Conference. 1995/1996
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Back to previous page Record Number: 70910
Proceedings of the Centenary Conference. 1995/1996Proceedings of the J.R.R. Tolkien Centenary Conference, Keble College, Oxford, 1992
Edited by Patricia Reynolds and Glen Goodnight
Mallorn - Issue 3, 1995
Mythlore - Vol.21, No.2, Whole No.80, Winter 1996
The Tolkien Society / The Mythopoeic Society
Milton Keynes / Altadena
ISSN 0308-6674 - ISBN 0905520068 (UK)
ISSN 0146-9339 - ISBN 1887726047 (US)
Dragon cover design by Marian Haas
Hammond Page Ref.: None

Marked as Mallorn 30 on the upper cover in error, but correctly identified as Mallorn 33 on the title page. This error arose due to publication being delayed.

New or uncommon material includes:

  1. At the Wordface: Tolkien's Work on the OED by Peter M. Gulliver reproduces a number of Tolkien's manuscript notes in facsimile, quoting from them and others.
  2. The Growth of Grammar in the Elven Tongues by Christopher Gilson and Patrick Wynne includes the chart of declensions of Quenya nouns sent by Tolkien to Richard Plotz in 1966/7 - The Plotz Declension.
  3. A Mythology for England by Carl Hostetter and Arden Smith includes variant citations from the Qenya Lexicon and the Gnomish Lexicon - taken from correspondence with Christopher Tolkien.
  4. Tolkien's Exceptional Visit to Holland: A Reconstruction by René van Rossenberg reproduces an inscribed copy of FotR and part of a letter to Cees Ouboter in addition to several quotes attributed to Tolkien.

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