An Illustrated Tolkien Bibliography

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The Bibliography

1910-1937 - The Early Years

1937 - The Hobbit

1938-1953 - The Middle Years

1954-1955 - The Lord of the Rings

1955-1973 - The Later Years

1974-1990 - After Tolkien Part 1

1991-2010 - After Tolkien Part 2

Boxed Sets & Books in Slipcases

Languages and Alphabets

Other Credits has always been and will always be free to use and free from intrusive pop ups and click bait.

The site was set up largely to satisfy a personal desire to catalogue my own collection and to highlight books I was searching for.  It has been a pleasant surprise to learn that so many visitors find of interest and use it as a guide for their colleciting and to expand their knowledge of the published works of J.R.R. Tolkien.

Recently I was asked how donations could be made towards the costs of running the site.  While contributions are not expected, they will be gratefully received and used solely to offset the monthly hosting charges and annual domain renewal fee.

Donations can be made using PayPal -

Thank you for your interest in the site.  I hope it helps with your collecting and answers any questions you may have.

'Smaug' by John Howe
Smaug by John Howe


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Text © Neil Holford and 2003-2025 --- Images and quoted text remain copyright of the respective publishers and authors
Winner of the Tolkien Society's Best Website Award