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What follows is a listing of articles that reproduce previously unpublished notes and essays by Tolkien concerning his invented languages and alphabets. They started to appear in significant numbers in the 1980s, and in recent years have formed the bulk of the newly published writings by Tolkien. Further details of the contents of the journals Vinyar Tengwar and Parma Eldalamberon can be found on the website of the Elvish Linguistic Fellowship. Details of unpublished and "slightly published" manuscripts can be found on the Tyalie Tyelellieva website.
Quettar. No.13. February 1982. Bulletin of the Linguistic Fellowship of The Tolkien Society. Includes The Tengwar Numerals - these are notes compiled by Christopher Tolkien based on Tolkien's own notes. Quettar. No.14. May 1982. Bulletin of the Linguistic Fellowship of The Tolkien Society. Includes an untitled article by Christopher Tolkien - this is a continuation of the Tengwar Numerals article from issue 13. Parma Eldalamberon. No.6. 1983. The Elvish Linguistic Fellowship. Includes a letter from Rhona Beare that includes the Noldorin text of "Five feet high the door" from a draft of Thror's Map - RB copied it from a map on display at the Bodleian. Beyond Bree. December 1984. Newsletter of the Tolkien Special Interest Group of American Mensa. Reprints The Tengwar Numerals articles from Quettar 13 and 14. Mythlore. Issue 56. Vol.15, No.2. Winter 1988. The Mythopoeic Society. Includes article Narqelion: A Single, Falling Leaf at Sun-fading by Paul Nolan Hyde, which contains the full text of the poem Narqelion. Four lines were reproduced in Carpenter's Biography(1977) Beyond Bree. March 1989. Newsletter of the Tolkien Special Interest Group of American Mensa. Reproduces in facsimile part of a letter to Dick Plotz under the title The Dick Plotz Letter: Declension of the Quenya Noun. Vinyar Tengwar. No.6. July 1989. The Elvish Linguistic Fellowship. Reproduces the text of Narqelion, and includes an article A Brief Note on the Background of the Letter from J.R.R. Tolkien to Dick Plotz Concerning the Declension of the High-elvish Noun by Jorge Quinonez. Vinyar Tengwar. No.7. September 1989. The Elvish Linguistic Fellowship. Reprints the Noldorin text of "Five feet high the door" from a draft of Thror's Map. Vinyar Tengwar. No.8. November 1989. The Elvish Linguistic Fellowship. Includes Full Chart of the Tengwar. Parma Eldalamberon. No.9. 1990. The Elvish Linguistic Fellowship. Reproduces the text of Narqelion with analysis by Patrick Wynne and Christopher Gilson. Vinyar Tengwar. No.11. May 1990. The Elvish Linguistic Fellowship. Includes article Two Problematic Quenya Noun Cases by Jorge Quinonez - follows on from the article in Vinyar Tengwar issue 6. Vinyar Tengwar. No.12. July 1990. The Elvish Linguistic Fellowship. Includes article Nole i Meneldilo: Lore of the Astronomer by Jorge Quinonez.
Mythlore. Issue 65. Vol.17, No.3. Spring 1991. The Mythopoeic Society. Reprints the elvish sentence and commentary from Vinyar Tengwar No.14. The Library of Richard Manney. 1991. Sotheby's. Catalogue for auction held in New York. Lot 298 was a three-volume first edition LotR set with an inscription in tengwar by JRRT. The inscription is reprinted and discussed by Carl Hostetter in Vinyar Tengwar No.21 and by Nancy Martsch in issue No.22. Vinyar Tengwar. No.21. January 1992. The Elvish Linguistic Fellowship. Includes article 'Si man i-yulmar n(g)win enquatuva' - A Newly-Discovered Tengwar Inscription by Carl Hostetter. Vinyar Tengwar. No.23. May 1992. The Elvish Linguistic Fellowship. Includes a letter to the editor from Nathalie Kotowski that reproduces a tengwar inscription found in Simonne d'Ardenne's copy of The Return of the King. Mythlore. Issue 69. Vol.18, No.3. Summer 1992. The Mythopoeic Society. Includes article Gondolinic Runes by Paul Nolan Hyde. Contains a facsimile of the manuscript followed by a lengthy analysis. Issue 70 includes a long response by Carl Hostetter. Vinyar Tengwar. No.24. July 1992. The Elvish Linguistic Fellowship. Includes article Sauron Defeated: A Linguistic Review by Carl Hostetter. Basic Quenya. Nancy Martsch. August 1992. Beyond Bree. Collects the 22 Quenya lessons previously published in Beyond Bree. Includes a facsimile reproduction of the chart of declensions of Quenya nouns sent by JRRT to Richard Plotz in 1966/1967. Revised edition issued March 1993. Vinyar Tengwar. No.26. November 1992. The Elvish Linguistic Fellowship. Includes article Ugluk to the Dung-pit by Carl Hostetter. Vinyar Tengwar. No.27. January 1993. The Elvish Linguistic Fellowship. Includes article Trees of Silver and of Gold: A Guide to the Koivieneni Manuscript by Patrick Wynne and Christopher Gilson. Vinyar Tengwar. No.28. March 1993. The Elvish Linguistic Fellowship. Includes article The Bodleian Declensions by Christopher Gilson, Patrick Wynne, and Carl F. Hostetter. Vinyar Tengwar. No.29. May 1993. The Elvish Linguistic Fellowship. Includes The King's Letter, Version II in facsimile and article The Tengwar Versions of the King's Letter by Arden R. Smith. Vinyar Tengwar. No.36. July 1994. The Elvish Linguistic Fellowship. Includes Marquette University MS Tolkien 3/8/2:5 verso in facsimile and article The Entu, Ensi, Enta Declension by Christopher Gilson.
Tyalie Tyelellieva. No.5. April 1995. Ed. Lisa Star. Includes the "Asea aranaite - kingsfoil, athelas" phrase. Proceedings of the J.R.R. Tolkien Centenary Conference. Mallorn 33. Mythlore 80. 1995. The Tolkien Society / The Mythopoeic Press. The article The Growth of Grammar in the Elven Tongues by Christopher Gilson and Patrick Wynne reproduces the chart of declensions of Quenya nouns sent by JRRT to Richard Plotz in 1966/1967. Parma Eldalamberon. No.11. August 1995. The Elvish Linguistic Fellowship. Includes I Lam na Ngoldathon - The Grammar and Lexicon of the Gnomish Tongue edited by Christopher Gilson, Patrick Wynne, Arden R. Smith and Carl Hostetter. Portions have previously appeared in the appendices to The Book of Lost Tales, Parts 1 & 2. Vinyar Tengwar. No.37. December 1995. The Elvish Linguistic Fellowship. Includes article The Túrin Prose Fragments: An Analysis of a Rúmilian Document by Arden R. Smith. Tyalie Tyelellieva. No.12. April 1998. Ed. Lisa Star. Includes article Development of Galadriel's Lament by David Salo - this includes a number of variant versions of the poem Namárie. Vinyar Tengwar. No.39. July 1998. The Elvish Linguistic Fellowship. Includes From Quendi and Eldar, Appendix D and Ósanwe-kenta, both edited and annotated by Carl Hostetter. The first item reproduces that part of Appendix D to Quendi and Eldar that was excluded from The War of the Jewels. Parma Eldalamberon. No.12. July 1998. The Elvish Linguistic Fellowship. Includes Qenyaqetsa: The Qenya Phonology and Lexicon edited by Christopher Gilson, Carl Hostetter, Patrick Wynne and Arden R. Smith. Portions have previously appeared in the appendices to The Book of Lost Tales, Parts 1 & 2. Vinyar Tengwar. No.40. April 1999. The Elvish Linguistic Fellowship. Includes Narqelion MS in facsimile, and article Narqelion and the Early Lexicons: Some Notes on the First Elvish Poem by Christopher Gilson. See also Mythlore Issue 56, Winter 1988. Tyalie Tyelellieva. No.14. March 2000. Ed. Lisa Star. Includes the "Merin Sentence" with analysis by Lisa Star. Vinyar Tengwar. No.41. June 2000. The Elvish Linguistic Fellowship. Includes three articles - First article - Etymological Notes on the Ósanwe-kenta by Carl Hostetter (includes notes by JRRT that were unknown to Hostetter when he originally edited Ósanwe-kenta for publication in Vinyar Tengwar No.39, July 1998. Second article - From The Shibboleth of Fëanor by Carl Hostetter (includes notes to the essay The Shibboleth of Fëanor that were excluded from The Peoples of Middle-earth. Third article - Notes on Óre by Carl Hostetter
Tyalie Tyelellieva. No.18. December 2001. Ed. Lisa Star. Includes Syntactical and Etymological Analysis of J.R.R.Tolkien's Quenya translation of the Lord's Prayer and Hail Mary by Helge Fauskanger. Vinyar Tengwar. No.43. January 2002. The Elvish Linguistic Fellowship. Includes Words of Joy - Five Catholic Prayers in Quenya (Part 1) edited by Patrick Wynne, Arden R. Smith and Carl Hostetter. Parma Eldalamberon. No.13. 2002. The Elvish Linguistic Fellowship. Includes The Alphabet of Rúmil edited by Arden R. Smith, and Early Noldorin Fragments edited by Christopher Gilson, Bill Welden, Carl Hostetter and Patrick Wynne. Vinyar Tengwar. No.44. June 2002. The Elvish Linguistic Fellowship. Includes Words of Joy - Five Catholic Prayers in Quenya (Part 2) edited by Patrick Wynne, Arden R. Smith and Carl Hostetter. Also includes Ae Adar Nín: The Lord's Prayer in Sindarin edited with notes and analysis by Bill Welden, and Alcar mi Tarmenel na Erui: The Gloria in Excelsis Deo in Quenya edited with notes and analysis by Arden R. Smith. Vinyar Tengwar. No.45. November 2003. The Elvish Linguistic Fellowship. Includes Addenda and Corrigenda to the Etymologies (Part One) by Carl Hostetter and Patrick Wynne. Consists of additions and corrections to the edition by Christopher Tolkien of Tolkien's Etymologies in The Lost Road. Parma Eldalamberon. No.14. December 2003. The Elvish Linguistic Fellowship. Includes Early Qenya and Valmaric, which consists of three parts. First, Early Qenya Fragments edited by Patrick Wynne and Christopher Gilson. Second, Early Qenya Grammar edited by Carl Hostetter and Bill Welden. Third, The Valmaric Script edited by Arden R. Smith. Vinyar Tengwar. No.46. July 2004. The Elvish Linguistic Fellowship. Includes Addenda and Corrigenda to the Etymologies (Part Two) by Carl Hostetter and Patrick Wynne, with an appendix on the tengwar of the Etymologies by Arden R. Smith. Parma Eldalamberon. No.15. September 2004. The Elvish Linguistic Fellowship. Includes Sí Qente Feanor and Other Elvish Writings edited by Arden R. Smith, Christopher Gilson, Patrick Wynne and Bill Welden. Consists of Sí Qente Feanor, together with a host of other writings which include Name-list to The Fall of Gondolin, Early Runic Documents, Addendum to The Alphabet of Rúmil and The Valmaric Script, Early Qenya Pronouns and English-Qenya Dictionary.
Vinyar Tengwar. No.47. February 2005. The Elvish Linguistic Fellowship. Includes Eldarin Hands, Fingers & Numerals and Related Writings (Part 1) edited by Patrick Wynne. Includes Part I - an essay Eldarin Hands, Fingers & Numerals, together with a related essay and extensive citations from unpublished writings. Vinyar Tengwar. No.48. December 2005. The Elvish Linguistic Fellowship. Includes Eldarin Hands, Fingers & Numerals and Related Writings (Part 2) edited by Patrick Wynne. Includes Part II - an essay Synopsis of Pengoloð's Eldarinwe Leperi are Notessi, and Part III Variation D/L in Common Eldarin. Parma Eldalamberon. No.16. November 2006. The Elvish Linguistic Fellowship. Includes Early Elvish Poetry and Pre-Fëanorian Alphabets edited by Christopher Gilson, Arden R. Smith, Patrick H. Wynne, Carl F. Hostetter and Bill Welden. Early Elvish Poetry consists of a number of drafts of Tolkien's Qenya poems Oilima Markirya, Nieninqe and Earendel, together with charts of Qenya Declensions and Qenya Conjugations, and a series of Qenya Word-lists. Pre-Fëanorian Alphabets is Part 1 of an edition of Tolkien's charts and notes from 1924-1929 and covers the alphabets called Qenyatic, Falassin, Noriac, Banyaric and Sinyatic. Vinyar Tengwar. No.49. June 2007. The Elvish Linguistic Fellowship. Includes Eldarin Hands, Fingers & Numerals and Related Writings (Part 3) edited by Patrick Wynne. Includes Part IV - The Ambidexters Sentence. Also include Five Late Quenya Volitive Inscriptions edited by Carl F. Hostetter. Parma Eldalamberon. No.17. July 2007. The Elvish Linguistic Fellowship. Contains Words, Phrases and Passages in The Lord of the Rings edited by Christopher Gilson. This is an unfinished work by Tolkien that consists of an incomplete commentary to a list of all the words and phrases from the Quenya, Sindarin, Dwarvish, Black Speech and Rohirric languages to be found in The Lord of the Rings. It is published together with related notes and word-lists.
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