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Vinyar Tengwar 41. July 2000
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Back to previous page Record Number: 72100
Vinyar Tengwar 41. July 2000Vinyar Tengwar
Edited by Carl F. Hostetter
Issue 41, July 2000
The Elvish Linguistic Fellowship
ISSN 10547606
Cover illustration by Patrick Wynne
Hammond Page Ref.: None


1) Etymological Notes on the Ósanwe-kenta edited with notes by Carl F. Hostetter. (See pp.5-6) These notes are associated with the c.1959-60 essay Ósanwe-kenta, but were unknown to Hostetter when he edited the essay for publication in Vinyar Tengwar 39.

2) From The Shibboleth of Fëanor edited with notes by Carl F. Hostetter. (See pp.7-10) This comprises notes to the c.1968 essay The Shibboleth of Fëanor that were excluded from the text published in The Peoples of Middle-earth (1996).

3) Notes on Óre edited with notes by Carl F. Hostetter. (see pp.11-19) These notes on the Quenya word "óre" are contemporary to The Shibboleth of Fëanor, but are probably not directly related.

Also includes a corrected transcription of two lines from a draft version of Namárië - see page 4 - first published in Vinyar Tengwar 24 (July 1992).

The image opposite is from the 2005 reprint. The original cover may have been a pale grey colour.

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