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The Lord of the Rings. 1978
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The Lord of the Rings. 1978The Lord of the Rings
J.R.R. Tolkien
2nd One Volume Edition 1978
Unwin Paperbacks
ISBN 0048231495
Cover illustration by Pauline Baynes
Hammond Page Ref.: pp.142-143

The map showing A Part of The Shire appears on page 30. The 1954 version of the map of The West of Middle-earth at the End of the Third Age is present in full on page 6 as well as appearing spread over four integral pages. The Map of Gondor, Rohan and Mordor appears on pages 774-775.

This edition only includes a brief excerpt from the Appendices - A Part of the Tale of Aragorn and Arwen from the Annals of the Kings and Rulers.

Three impressions issued:

1st Impression 1978 - 2nd State*
2nd Impression 1979**
3rd Impression 1979***
4th Impression 1982****

Promotional materials dating from the late seventies and early eighties indicate that in 1978 the book was priced at £3.95, in 1980 at £3.75, in 1981 at £4.95 and in 1982 at £5.50.

* This is the (later) Second State of the First Impression. The Second State can be distinguished from the First State using the following points:

- Price of £4.95 or £5.50 on the lower cover
- Unwin Paperbacks imprint on spine
- Unwin Paperbacks logo on upper cover

The 1st Impression was issued with both the Pauline Baynes cover artwork opposite, and an image from the Bakshi film. This impression has been seen with three different printed prices: £3.95, £4.95 and £5.50. It is unclear whether the impression was bound in stages or if later reprints were not indicated.

** 2nd Impression copies have been seen with both the Pauline Baynes illustrated cover and with the Bakshi film tie-in cover.

*** The 3rd Impression is priced at £4.95, suggesting that it was issued in 1981. One of the copies seen was purchased in December 1981. 3rd Impression copies have been seen with both the Pauline Baynes illustrated cover and with the Bakshi film tie-in cover.

**** The 4th Impression only records two prior impressions giving the impression that it is in fact a 3rd Impression. It omits one of the 1979 reprints.

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