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I, Palantir. April 1964
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Back to previous page Record Number: 51460
I, Palantir. April 1964I, Palantir
Editor by Ted Johnstone and Bruce Pelz
Issue 3, April 1964
The Fellowship of the Ring
Los Angeles
Cover illustration by Bjo Trimble
Hammond Page Ref.: p.355

Reprints an article by Arthur R. Weir from Issue 17 of Triode - No Monroe in Lothlorien!. Included with this are some of the comments it attracted, including those made by Tolkien in a letter to the editor of Triode. (See pp.17-19)

Tolkien is of the opinion that only considerable financial reward could compensate an author for the horrors involved in the adaption of a book.

Also reprints Hobbits and Heroes by Anthony Curtis from The Sunday Telegraph. This newspaper article includes extracts from an interview with J.R.R. Tolkien.

Cover image opposite courtesy of Lokki, a fellow collector and poster at

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