An Illustrated Tolkien Bibliography

Fine Printed Books and Manuscripts. 2002
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1963-1967 - Letters, Artwork & Miscellanea

Smith of Wootton Major

1968-1973 - Books & Periodicals

1968-1973 - Letters, Artwork & Miscellanea

Back to previous page Record Number: 53510
Fine Printed Books and Manuscripts. 2002Fine Printed Books and Manuscripts
Editor unknown
24 May 2002
New York
ISBN: None
Auction catalogue
Photographs throughout
Hammond Page Ref.: None

Lot number 410 reproduces in full a letter from Tolkien to Nancy Smith. The letter was begun on 25 December 1963 and completed on 2 January 1964.

The letter includes autobiographical information about Tolkien, some of which was incorporated into the Tolkien on Tolkien article that appeared in Diplomat magazine in October 1966.

This article was compiled by mixing extracts from an autobiographical statement prepared by Tolkien in 1955 and from the letter to Nancy Smith.

The complete statement from 1955 was published in The Letters of J.R.R. Tolkien together with three paragraphs taken from the letter to Nancy Smith. (See Letter No.165)

In addition, Lot 409 reproduces part of Tolkien's notes, detailing his requirements for the Index to The Lord of the Rings, and Lot 411 reproduces in full a letter discussing Ford Maddox Ford and the article in Diplomat magazine.

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