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Realities: An Anthology of Verse. 1927
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Realities: An Anthology of Verse. 1927Realities: An Anthology of Verse
Edited by Gwendoline S. Tancred
1st Edition 1927
Swan Press / Gay & Hancock
Leeds / London
Hardback with dustwrapper
Not illustrated
Hammond Page Ref.: p.288

Contains Tolkien’s poem The Nameless Land.

See pp24-25.

Wayne Hammond was unable to determine a precise date of publication for Realities, but as the book was announced in The Times Literary Supplement on 25 August 1927 it may have been around this date.

Reprinted in The Lost Road (1987) along with two later revisions entitled The Song of Ælfwine (on seeing the uprising of Eärendil).

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