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Aventures de Tom Bombadil. 1983
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Back to previous page Record Number: 61360
Aventures de Tom Bombadil. 1983Les Aventures de Tom Bombadil
J.R.R. Tolkien
Translated by Dashiell Hédayat
10-18 Edition, 3rd Impression 1983
Volume 1244
Christian Bourgois Éditeur
ISBN 2264009136
Cover illustration by Maud Tindal Atkinson
Hammond Page Ref.: None

A bilingual edition of The Adventures of Tom Bombadil in English and French.

At least four impressions issued, with minor variations to the cover and preminary pages:

3rd Impression 1983
4th Impression 1986
5th Impression 1991
6th Impression 1993

Two manuscript pages are reproduced in the preliminary pages:

The first page includes a version of A Elbereth Gilthoniel and partial and full versions of Namárië.

The second page includes short extracts from LotR chapters Many Meetings and The Council of Elrond.

Also included is a reproduction of a handwritten statement by Christopher Tolkien describing the significance of the two manuscript pages.

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