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Architect of Middle Earth. 1978
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Architect of Middle Earth. 1978The Biography of J.R.R. Tolkien
Architect of Middle Earth

Daniel Grotta
2nd Edition 1978
Grosset & Dunlap
New York
ISBN 0448148374
Hardback with dustwrapper
Cover illustration by The Brothers Hildebrandt
Hammond Page Ref.: p.358

Not reprinted?

Includes a number of extracts from letters written by Tolkien:

1) From a letter to Deborah Webster Rogers dated 25 October 1958. (See p.10) The passage beginning ’I am in fact a hobbit…’, has been reprinted many times but was first published in The Fictitious Characters of C.S. Lewis and J.R.R. Tolkien and is reprinted in The Letters of J.R.R. Tolkien (1981) – Letter 213.

2) From a letter to Allen Barnett, telling a smutty joke. (See pp.42-43).

3) From a letter to William Luther White dated 11 September 1967. (See p.92) The complete letter discussing the origin of the Inklings group was first published in The Image of Man in C.S. Lewis and is reprinted in The Letters of J.R.R. Tolkien (1981) – Letter 298.

4) From a letter to William Ready dated 2 February 1967, excusing himself from providing biographical information. (See p.145) This is taken from an extract found in The Tolkien Relation.

Also reprints brief extracts from a number of published interviews with Tolkien.

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