An Illustrated Tolkien Bibliography

Conversational Course: English. 1930
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Back to previous page Record Number: 13390
Conversational Course: English. 1930Conversational Course: English
Professor A. Lloyd James
Issued circa June 1930
The Linguaphone Institute
Sixteen gramophone records with a number of books
Issued in a hinged wooden box
Not illustrated
Hammond Page Ref.: p.384

This English language course includes two recordings by Tolkien and Professor A. Lloyd James:

Lesson 20 - At the Tobacconist’s (Record code: EC.20.E)
Tolkien reads the introduction and plays the part of the shop owner in the following dialogue with a customer played by Lloyd James.

Lesson 30 - Wireless (Record code: EC.30.E)
Tolkien plays the part of a the owner of a radio set explaining to Lloyd James what stations he can receive and how great this modern technology is!

The printed material accompanying the records appears to vary slightly, both in number and content, depending on the country and date of issue, as do the record labels and sleeves.

The course was later revised by Lloyd James and reissued. Tolkien's contributions were lost in the process.

This later version can be differentiated from that featuring Tolkien by the following details:

1) The course has 50 lessons instead of 30.

2) The record codes are prefixed with ENG not EC.

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