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Silmarillion Calendar 1978
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Back to previous page Record Number: 63460
Silmarillion Calendar 1978The Silmarillion Calendar 1978
J.R.R. Tolkien
1st Edition 1977
George Allen & Unwin
ISBN 0045290040
Calendar - Issued in a card mailing envelope
Illustrated by J.R.R. Tolkien
Hammond Page Ref.: pp.378-379

Illustrations by J.R.R. Tolkien:

Cover - Lúthien heraldic device
January - Gondolin and the Vale of Tumladen *
February - Lake Mithrim and Heraldic Devices
March - Taniquetil
April - Heraldic Devices
May - Nargothrond (I)
June - Nargothrond (II) *
July - Númenórean Tile and Textiles
August - Beleg Finds Gwindor in Taur-nu-Fuin
September - Tol Sirion *
October - Elvish Script
November - Glaurung Sets Forth to Seek Túrin
December - The Silmarillion Map *

Also includes notes on the illustrations by Christopher Tolkien.

* denotes that the picture has been coloured by H.E. Riddett.

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