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Report on the Excavation in Lydney Park. 1932
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Report on the Excavation in Lydney Park. 1932Report on the Excavation of the Prehistoric, Roman and Post-Roman Site in Lydney Park, Gloucestershire
R.E.M. Wheeler and T.V. Wheeler
1st Edition 1932
Reports of the Research Committee of the Society of the Antiquaries of London, No. IX
Oxford University Press for the Society of the Antiquaries
Profuse illustrations at rear
Hammond Page Ref.: pp.291-292

Appendix I of this excavation report contains Tolkien’s essay The Name ‘Nodens’.

1,150 copies printed.

The word Nodens appears in three inscriptions found at the excavations in Lydney Park and appears to be the name of an otherwise unrecorded god. Tolkien links the name to the Old Irish Núadu and Welsh Nudd. Núadu was the King of the Túatha dé Danann, the one time rulers of Ireland. Tolkien goes on to trace the name in other ancient languages and finally comes to the conclusion that the name means either ‘the catcher’, ‘the snarer’ or ‘the hunter’.

See pp.132-137.

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