An Illustrated Tolkien Bibliography

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The Bibliography

1991-2010 - After Tolkien Part 2

The History of Middle-earth


2000-2006 - Books & Periodicals

2000-2006 - Letters, Artwork & Miscellanea

The Children of Húrin

2007-2010 - Books & Periodicals

2007-2010 - Letters, Artwork & Miscellanea

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Collected Vinyar Tengwar 1. 2007. Paperback and Coil-bound formats
Collected Vinyar Tengwar 1. 2007
Mr. Baggins. 2007. Hardback in dustwrapper
Mr. Baggins. 2007
Mr. Baggins. 2008. Paperback
Mr. Baggins. 2008
Return to Bag-End. 2007. Hardback in dustwrapper
Return to Bag-End. 2007
Return to Bag-End. 2008. Paperback
Return to Bag-End. 2008
Vinyar Tengwar 49. June 2007. Magazine
Vinyar Tengwar 49. June 2007
Collected Vinyar Tengwar 5b. 2007. Paperback and Coil-bound formats
Collected Vinyar Tengwar 5b. 2007
Words of Joy. 2007. Paperback and Coil-bound formats
Words of Joy. 2007
Addenda and Corrigenda to the Etymologies. 2007. Paperback and Coil-bound formats
Addenda and Corrigenda to the Etymologies. 2007
Eldarin Hands, Fingers & Numerals. 2007. Paperback and Coil-bound formats
Eldarin Hands, Fingers & Numerals. 2007
Parma Eldalamberon 17. 2007. Paperback
Parma Eldalamberon 17. 2007
On Fairy-stories. 2008. Hardback in dustwrapper
On Fairy-stories. 2008


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Text © Neil Holford and 2003-2025 --- Images and quoted text remain copyright of the respective publishers and authors
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