An Illustrated Tolkien Bibliography

Christopher Tolkien
A Chronological Bibliography
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Publishing The Lord of the Rings
The First Impression of RotK
VI  The First Boxed Edition
VII  The Readers Union Edition
VIII  The First Deluxe Edition
IX  Printing and Binding LotR
XIV  LotR: A Bibliography
XV  LotR: A Bibliography of Slipcases

The History of Middle-earth series
A Guide to the Contents
II  Prices on Dustwrappers
III  Original Retail Prices
IV  Print Run Sizes
The Guild Publishing Editions
VI  Shaping of Middle-earth Wrapper
VII  Peoples of Middle-earth Pulped?

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Christopher Tolkien Bibliography
I Think I've Got A Hobbit
Missing Images
Nasty Tricksy Hobbits
Printing and Binding The Hobbit
Songs for the Philologists
The Princess Hobbit
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-- Letter from J. R. R. Tolkien
-- Gandalf: Not 'Magician' but 'Wizard'
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-- Of Smaug and the Jabberwock
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Tolkien Calendars
Tolkien the Esperantist?
Tolkien's Languages and Alphabets
Unpublished Manuscript Found?

Christopher Tolkien SignatureChristopher Tolkien's contribution to Tolkien studies is well known and documented.  What is less well known is that he has also written and edited a number of books and articles of a philological nature as well as contributing to a range of Tolkien related magazines.

Below is a chronological listing that includes books by or edited by Christopher Reuel Tolkien (CRT), periodicals to which he contributed letters and articles, as well as recordings, interviews and several other bits and pieces.

In general only the first appearance is noted, and British editions are preferred to others.  In addition to the publications below, Christopher Tolkien has also made amendments to the published texts of several of his father's books, most notably The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings.

Hervarar Saga ok Heidreks Konungs. B.Litt. thesis. Year uncertain 1954?
The Lord of the Rings. George Allen & Unwin. Contains three maps - A Part of The Shire, The West of Middle-earth at the End of the Third Age and Rohan, Gondor & Mordor by CRT. 1954-55
Saga-Book. Viking Society for Northern Research, 14, pt 3. University College, London. Contains The Battle of the Goths and the Huns by CRT. 1955-56
Hervarar Saga ok Heiðreks. Edited by G. Turville-Petre. Viking Society for Northern Research. University College, London. Contains an introduction by CRT. 1956
The Pardoner's Tale. Edited by Nevill Coghill & CRT. George G. Harrap. 1958
The Nun's Priest's Tale. Edited by Nevill Coghill & CRT. George G. Harrap. 1959
The Saga of King Heidrek the Wise. Edited & Translated by CRT. Thomas Nelson & Sons. 1960
The Tolkien Relation: A Personal Enquiry. William Ready. Henry Regnery Company. Includes an extract from a letter to William Ready[?] from CRT. 1968
Understanding Tolkien and The Lord of the Rings. William Ready. Paperback Library/Warner Paperback Library. A reissue of The Tolkien Relation (1968). Includes an extract from a letter to William Ready[?] from CRT. 1969
The Man of Law's Tale. Edited by Nevill Coghill & CRT. George G. Harrap. 1969
A Tolkien Compass. Ed. Jared Lobdell. Open Court. Contains Guide to Names in The Lord of the Rings by JRRT - edited and revised by CRT. 1975
Sir Gawain & the Green Knight, Pearl and Sir Orfeo. Edited by CRT. George Allen & Unwin. 1975
Les Aventures de Tom Bombadil. Translated by Dashiell Hedayat. Christian Bourgois. Contains a reproduction of a handwritten note by CRT, dated March 1974, introducing two pages of script by JRRT. 1975
The Lord of the Rings 1977 Calendar. George Allen & Unwin. Contains Notes on the Pictures by CRT. 1976
The Silmarillion 1978 Calendar. George Allen & Unwin. Contains Notes on the Pictures by CRT. 1977
The Silmarillion. Edited by CRT. George Allen & Unwin. 1977
The Silmarillion by J.R.R. Tolkien: A Brief Account of the Book and Its Making. Houghton Mifflin. 1977
The Sunday Times Magazine. 25 September 1977. Contains The Filial Duty of Christopher Tolkien by William Cater - an interview with CRT. 1977
Of Beren and Luthien. Chapter read by CRT. Caedmon Records. Also contains liner notes by CRT. 1977
Map of Beleriand and the Lands to the North. George Allen & Unwin. Poster - map by CRT, coloured by H.E. Riddett. Heraldic devices by JRRT. 1978
Of the Darkening of Valinor and Of the Flight of the Noldor.  Chapter read by CRT. Caedmon Records. Also contains liner notes by CRT. 1978
J.R.R. Tolkien Calendar 1979. George Allen & Unwin. Contains Notes on the Pictures by CRT. 1978
Pictures by J.R.R. Tolkien. George Allen & Unwin. Foreword and notes by CRT. 1979
Unfinished Tales. Edited by CRT. George Allen & Unwin. Also contains revised map The West of Middle-earth at the End of the Third Age by CRT. 1980
Mallorn. No. 14. Journal of The Tolkien Society.  Reprint of The Silmarillion by J.R.R. Tolkien: A Brief Account of the Book and Its Making by CRT. 1980
Eorclanstanar or The Hobbitiana: an offering of rarities by J.R.R. Tolkien. a.k.a. Precious Stones. Melissa and Mark Hime Booksellers. Catalogue. Contains a letter from Christopher Tolkien to Jared Lobdell, 21 June 1974. 1980
Pronunciation for The Lord of the Rings. Tape prepared by CRT in October 1980[?]. A typescript was made from this by Jane Morgan (Director of the BBC Radio serialisation of The Lord of the Rings). Re-typed and distributed by Helen Armstrong of The Tolkien Society, and subsequently by Nancy Martsch (Editor of Beyond Bree). 1980
The Letters of J.R.R. Tolkien. Edited by Humphrey Carpenter with CRT. George Allen & Unwin. 1981
Quettar. No. 13, February 1982. Bulletin of the Linguistic Fellowship of The Tolkien Society. Contains The Tengwar Numerals by CRT. 1982
Quettar. No. 14, May 1982. Bulletin of the Linguistic Fellowship of The Tolkien Society. Contains untitled piece on the further information on the Tengwar numeral systems by CRT. 1982
The Monsters and the Critics and Other Essays. Edited by CRT. George Allen & Unwin. 1983
Amon Hen. No. 63. August 1983. Bulletin of The Tolkien Society. Contains Future Publishing by CRT.  Reprinted in Angerthas No.9 (November 1983). 1983
The Book of Lost Tales, Part 1. Edited by CRT. George Allen & Unwin. 1983
The Book of Lost Tales, Part 2. Edited by CRT. George Allen & Unwin. 1984
Amon Hen. No. 70. November 1984. Bulletin of The Tolkien Society. Contains Moria Gate: Another Look by CRT. 1984
The Lays of Beleriand. Edited by CRT. George Allen & Unwin. 1985
The Shaping of Middle-earth. Edited by CRT. George Allen & Unwin. 1986
Beyond Bree. July 1986. Newsletter of the American Mensa Tolkien Special Interest Group. Contains Notes on the Differences in Editions of The Hobbit Cited by Mr. David Cofield by CRT. 1986
The Hobbit. 50th Anniversary Edition. Unwin Hyman. Foreword by CRT. 1987
The Lost Road. Edited by CRT. Unwin Hyman. 1987
Beyond Bree. January 1988. Newsletter of the American Mensa Tolkien Special Interest Group. Contains The Hobbit Map Symbols. Reply by Christopher Tolkien. 1988
Beyond Bree. August 1988. Newsletter of the American Mensa Tolkien Special Interest Group. Contains extracts from a letter to Nancy Martsch from CRT. 1988
Tree and Leaf. Unwin Hyman. Introduction by CRT. 1988
The Return of the Shadow. Edited by CRT. Unwin Hyman. 1988
Mythlore. Issue 56. Vol.15, No.2. Winter 1988. The Mythopoeic Society. Contains a transcription by CRT of Tolkien's poem Narqelion and paraphrases comments made regarding the poem in a letter to Paul Nolan Hyde from CRT. 1988
Beyond Bree. March 1989. Newsletter of the American Mensa Tolkien Special Interest Group. Contains Letter to Beyond Bree by CRT. 1989
The Treason of Isengard. Edited by CRT. Unwin Hyman. 1989
Mythlore. Issue 60. Vol.16, No.2. Winter 1989. The Mythopoeic Society. Contains extracts from a letter to Paul Nolan Hyde from CRT. 1989
Beyond Bree. May 1990. Newsletter of the American Mensa Tolkien Special Interest Group. Contains extracts from a letter to Nancy Martsch from CRT. 1990
The War of the Ring. Edited by CRT. Unwin Hyman. 1990
Arda 1986. The Arda Society. Contains comments by CRT on The Clerke's Compleinte. 1990
Pictures by J.R.R. Tolkien. Revised Edition. Foreword and notes by CRT. HarperCollins. 1992
The Homecoming of Beorhtnoth. Reading By JRRT & CRT. Grafton. 1992
Sauron Defeated. Edited by CRT. HarperCollins. 1992
Mythlore. Issue 69. Vol.18, No.3. Summer 1992. The Mythopoeic Society. Contains part of a letter from CRT to Paul Nolan Hyde concerning the Gondolinic Runes. 1992
Beyond Bree. October 1992. Newsletter of the American Mensa Tolkien Special Interest Group. Contains Letter to Beyond Bree by CRT. 1992
Legolas. Issue 5. April 1993. The Finnish Society. Contains a letter from CRT outlining the contents of The History of Middle-earth series through to Volume 12 and gives details of a planned volume of Tolkien's unpublished poetry on European literary themes. 1993
Morgoth's Ring. Edited by CRT. HarperCollins. 1993
The War of the Jewels. Edited by CRT. HarperCollins. 1994
Proceedings of the J.R.R. Tolkien Centenary Conference 1992. Mallorn 33. Mythlore 80. Ed. Patricia Reynolds and Glen Goodnight. The Tolkien Society/The Mythopoeic Press. An article by Hostetter & Smith includes variant citations from the Qenya Lexicon and the Gnomish Lexicon - taken from correspondence with CRT. 1995
The Peoples of Middle-earth. Edited by CRT. HarperCollins. 1996
J.R.R.T.: A Film Portrait of J.R.R. Tolkien. Visual Corporation. Video documentary contains interview with CRT. 1996
The Silmarillion. Edited with a new preface by CRT. HarperCollins. 1999
Vinyar Tengwar. Issue 42. July 2001. The Elvish Linguistic Fellowship. Contains commentary by CRT on The Rivers and Beacon-hills of Gondor, an essay by JRRT. 2001
The Lord of the Rings: A Reader's Companion. Wayne G. Hammond & Christina Scull. HarperCollins.  Contains extracts from letters by CRT. 2005
The Children of Húrin. Edited by CRT. HarperCollins. 2007
Microphones in Middle-earth. Nigel Sustins. Limited edition CD. Includes extracts from a tape prepared by CRT in October 1980[?] to aid pronunciation of names in the BBC's radio serialisation of The Lords of the Rings. [See 1980 entry above] 2007
The Children of Húrin. Read by CRT and Christopher Lee. HarperCollins. 2007
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