An Illustrated Tolkien Bibliography

The History of Middle-earth
Original Retail Prices
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Publishing The Lord of the Rings
The First Impression of RotK
VI  The First Boxed Edition
VII  The Readers Union Edition
VIII  The First Deluxe Edition
IX  Printing and Binding LotR
XIV  LotR: A Bibliography
XV  LotR: A Bibliography of Slipcases

The History of Middle-earth series
A Guide to the Contents
II  Prices on Dustwrappers
III  Original Retail Prices
IV  Print Run Sizes
The Guild Publishing Editions
VI  Shaping of Middle-earth Wrapper
VII  Peoples of Middle-earth Pulped?

Other Articles
Christopher Tolkien Bibliography
I Think I've Got A Hobbit
Missing Images
Nasty Tricksy Hobbits
Printing and Binding The Hobbit
Songs for the Philologists
The Princess Hobbit
-- Ferguson Dewar
-- Letter from J. R. R. Tolkien
-- Gandalf: Not 'Magician' but 'Wizard'
-- Visions of Gollum
-- Of Smaug and the Jabberwock
-- Magazine Gallery
Tolkien Calendars
Tolkien the Esperantist?
Tolkien's Languages and Alphabets
Unpublished Manuscript Found?

Hardback copies
The price for each volume doubled over the course of the publication of The History of Middle- earth, from £12.50 in 1983 to £25.00 in 1996. Stocks of hardback copies were exhausted by 1997/98.  The prices changed in the following years:

  • 1983 - £12.50
  • Price label for The Book of Lost Tales 1 & 2, 1983 & 1984
  • 1985 - £14.95
  • 1987 - £16.95
  • 1988 - £17.95 - except for The Lays of Beleriand, which was priced at £18.95
  • 1992 (early) - £20.00
  • 1992 (late) - £25.00

Some HarperCollins copies, that appear to be first Impressions of the 1991 edition, are priced at £25.00 rather than at £20.00.  This suggests that that were actually printed after the price rise in late 1992.

Paperback copies
The price for each volume more than tripled over the course of the publication of the series, from £2.95 in 1983 to £9.99 by 1993, but prices have remained stable ever since.  The prices changed in the following years:

  • 1985 - £2.95
  • Sauron Defeated, 1993 PB - New price added on label
  • 1986 - £3.50
  • 1987 - £3.95
  • 1988 - £4.95
  • 1989 - £4.99, then £5.50
  • 1991 - £5.99
  • 1992 - £6.99, then £7.99
  • 1993 - £9.99

Due to the rapid escalation of prices in the early 90s there are a significant number of copies to be found with new prices and barcodes added on labels - one variant is shown here.  These were probably applied fairly soon after the price rise in late 1993.

Sauron Defeated, 1993 PB - New price added on label


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Text © Neil Holford and 2003-2025 --- Images and quoted text remain copyright of the respective publishers and authors
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