An Illustrated Tolkien Bibliography

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1910-1937 - The Early Years

1937 - The Hobbit

1938-1953 - The Middle Years

1954-1955 - The Lord of the Rings

1955-1973 - The Later Years

1974-1990 - After Tolkien Part 1

1991-2010 - After Tolkien Part 2

Boxed Sets & Books in Slipcases

Languages and Alphabets

Other Credits

A chronological version of this index can be found here
A Elbereth Gilthoniel - contains poem Doworst 1978
A Middle English Vocabulary 1922
A New Glossary of the Dialect of the Huddersfield District - Walter E. Haigh - contains Foreword by JRRT 1928
A Northern Venture - includes three poems by JRRT 1923
A Question of Time - Verlyn Flieger - quotes several unpublished sources and reproduces two manuscript pages 1997
A Reader's Companion (The Lord of the Rings) - Hammond and Scull 2005
A Spring Harvest - Geoffrey Bache Smith - contains Preface by JRRT 1918
A Tolkien Compass - ed. Jared Lobdell - contains Guide to the Names in The Lord of the Rings 1975
Adventures of Tom Bombadil, The 1962
Ancrene Riwle - ed. M.B. Salu - contains Preface by JRRT 1955
Ancrene Wisse 1962
Angles and Britons - contains essay English and Welsh 1963
Attacks of Taste - eds. Byrne and Penzler 1971
Beowulf and the Finnesburg Fragment - eds. John R. Clark Hall and C.L.Wrenn - contains Prefatory Remarks by JRRT 1940
Beowulf: The Monsters and the Critics 1937
Beowulf and the Critics 2002
Bilbo's Last Song 1974
Book of Lost Tales, Part I 1983
Book of Lost Tales, Part II 1984
British Esperantist, The - contains letter A Philologist on Esperanto 1932
Bulletin of the Modern Humanities Research Association - contains essay Henry Bradley, 3 Dec. 1845-23 May 1923 1923
Catholic Herald, The - contains The Name Coventry - letter to the editor 1945
Children of Húrin, The 2007
Chronicle, The - contains poem Firiel 1934
Daily Telegraph - contains Beautiful Place because Trees are Loved - letter to the editor in response to an editorial 1972
Diplomat - contains interview article Tolkien on Tolkien 1966
Drawings by Tolkien 1976
Dublin Review, The - contains short story Leaf by Niggle 1945
End of the Third Age, The 1998
English Studies - contains essay "iþþlen" in Sawles Warde - with S.R.T.O. d'Ardenne 1947
Essais de Philologie Moderne - contains essay Middle English "Losenger" 1953
Essays and Studies 1929 - ed. H.W. Gerrod - contains essay Ancrene Wisse 1929
Essays and Studies 1953 - ed. Geoffrey Bullough - contains play The Homecoming of Beorhtnoth 1953
Essays Presented to Charles Williams - contains essay On Fairy Stories 1947
Farmer Giles of Ham 1949
Farmer Giles of Ham [and] The Adventures of Tom Bombadil 1975
Father Christmas Letters, The 1976
Fellowship of the Ring, The 1954
Finn and Hengest - ed. Alan Bliss 1982
Fourteenth Century Verse & Prose - ed. Kenneth Sisam - includes A Middle English Vocabulary by JRRT 1921
Gryphon, The - contains poem The Clerke's Compleinte 1922
Gryphon, The - contains poem Iumonna Gold Galdre Bewunden 1923
Gryphon, The - contains poem Light as Leaf on Lindentree 1925
History of Middle-earth, The 1983-96
Hobbit, The 1937
Inklings, The - Humphrey Carpenter 1978
Invented Worlds of J.R.R. Tolkien, The 2004
Jerusalem Bible 1966
J.R.R. Tolkien: A Biography - Humphrey Carpenter 1977
J.R.R. Tolkien: Artist and Illustrator - Hammond and Scull 1995
J.R.R. Tolkien Companion and Guide: Chronology - Scull and Hammond 2006
J.R.R. Tolkien Companion and Guide: Reader's Guide - Scull and Hammond 2006
J.R.R. Tolkien: The Hobbit Drawings, Watercolors, and Manuscripts 1987
J.R.R. Tolkien: Scholar and Storyteller - eds. Salu and Farrell - contains Valedictory Address 1979
J.R.R. Tolkien's Letters to Rhona Beare 1985
Keys of Middle-earth, The - Lee and Solopova - contains extracts from Tolkien's academic writings 2005
King Edward's School Chronicle - contains Debating Society Report 1910
King Edward's School Chronicle - contains Debating Society Report 1910
King Edward's School Chronicle - contains Debating Society Report 1911
King Edward's School Chronicle - contains poem The Battle of the Eastern Field and report Acta Senatus 1911
King Edward's School Chronicle - contains Editorial and Debating Society Report 1911
King Edward's School Chronicle - contains Editorial 1911
King Edward's School Chronicle - contains Oxford Letter 1913
Lays of Beleriand, The 1985
Leaves from the Tree: J.R.R. Tolkien's Shorter Fiction - Shippey, et al 1991
Leeds University Verse 1914-1924 - includes three poems by JRRT 1924
Letters of J.R.R. Tolkien - ed. Humphrey Carpenter 1981
Lord of the Rings, The 1954-5
Lord of the Rings: A Reader's Companion - Hammond and Scull 2005
Lord of the Rings: Souvenir booklet commemorating 25 years of its publication 1980
Lost Road and Other Writings 1987
Manuscripts of JRRT, The 1984
Medium Aevum - contains essay Sigelwara Land (Part 1) 1932
Medium Aevum - contains essay Sigelwara Land (Part 2) 1934
Microcosm, The - ed. Dorothy Una Ratcliffe - contains poem The City of the Gods 1923
Middle English Vocabulary, A 1922
Mr. Baggins 2007
Mr. Bliss 1982
Monsters and the Critics and Other Essays 1983
Morgoth's Ring 1993
Mythlore #56 - contains Narqelion 1988
Mythos Journal - contains extensive quotes from an unpublished essay on Smith of Wootton Major 1995
New Glossary of the Dialect of the Huddersfield District - Walter E. Haigh - contains Foreword by JRRT 1928
Northern Venture, A - includes three poems by JRRT 1923
Observer, The - contains Letter to the Editor - a reply to a letter by "Habit" 1938
Old English Apollonius of Tyre - ed. Peter Goolden - contains Prefatory Note by JRRT 1958
Old English Exodus, The - ed. Joan Turville-Petre 1981
Oliphaunt 1984
Oxford Magazine - contains essay The Oxford English School 1930
Oxford Magazine - contains poem Progress in Bimble Town 1931
Oxford Magazine - contains poem Errantry 1933
Oxford Magazine - contains poem Looney 1934
Oxford Magazine - contains poem The Adventures of Tom Bombadil 1934
Oxford Magazine - contains poem The Dragon's Visit 1937
Oxford Magazine - contains poem Knocking at the Door: Lines induced by sensations when waiting for an answer 1937
Oxford Magazine - contains poem Iumonna Gold Galdre Bewunden 1937
Oxford Poetry 1915 - eds. G.D.H. Cole and T.W. Earp - contains Goblin Feet 1915
Parma Eldalamberon 13 - contains The Alphabet of Rúmil and Early Noldorin Fragments 2001
Parma Eldalamberon 14 - contains Early Qenya & Valmaric 2003
Parma Eldalamberon 15 - contains Sí Qente Feanor and Other Elvish Writings 2004
Parma Eldalamberon 16 - contains Early Elvish Poetry and Pre-Fëanorian Alphabets 2006
Parma Eldalamberon 17 - contains Words, Phrases and Passages in The Lord of the Rings 2007
Pearl - ed. E.V. Gordon - contains introductory remarks Form and Purpose by JRRT 1953
Peoples of Middle-earth, The 1996
Pictures by J.R.R.Tolkien 1979
Poems and Stories 1980
Poems by J.R.R. Tolkien 1993
Precious Stones - extracts in a bookseller's catalogue 1980
Proceedings of the J.R.R. Tolkien Centenary Conference - eds. Reynolds and Goodnight 1995
Question of Time, A - Verlyn Flieger - quotes several unpublished sources and reproduces two manuscript pages 1997
Quettar - includes The Tengwar Numerals 1982
Radio Times - contains essay A Fourteenth-Century Romance 1953
Reader's Companion (The Lord of the Rings) - Hammond and Scull 2005
Realities: An Anthology of Verse - ed. Gwendoline S. Tancred - contains poem The Nameless Land 1927
Reeve's Tale, The - Version Prepared for Summer Diversions, Oxford 1939
Report on Excavation of the Prehistoric, Roman and Post Roman Site in Lydney Park, Gloucestershire - Wheeler and Wheeler - contains Appendix I: The Name "Nodens" 1932
Return to Bag-End 2007
Return of the King, The 1955
Return of the Shadow, The 1988
Review of English Studies - contains essay Some Contributions to Middle English Lexicography 1925
Review of English Studies - contains essay The Devil's Coach-Horses 1925
Ring of Words, The - Gilliver, Marshall and Weiner 2006
Road Goes Ever On, The - Tolkien and Swann 1968
Roverandom 1998
Rules of the Exeter College Essay Club 1914
Sauron Defeated 1992
Selections from the Marquette J.R.R. Tolkien Collection 1987
Shaping of Middle-earth, The 1986
Shenandoah: The Washington and Lee University Review - contains For W.H.A. 1967
Silmarillion, The 1977
Sir Gawain and the Green Knight - eds. Tolkien and Gordon 1925
Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, Pearl [and] Sir Orfeo 1975
Sir Orfeo 1944
Smith of Wootton Major 1967
Smith of Wootton Major [and] Leaf by Niggle 1983
Songs for the Philologists 1936
Spring Harvest, A - Geoffrey Bache Smith - contains Preface by JRRT 1918
Stapeldon Magazine - contains poem From the many-willow'd margin of the immemorial Thames 1913
Stapeldon Magazine - contains poem The Happy Mariners 1920
Stapeldon Magazine - contains poem Adventures in Unnatural History and Medieval Metres, being the Freaks of Fisiogus 1927
Studia Neophilologica - contains essay MS. Bodley 34: A Re-Collation of a Collation - with S.R.T.O. d'Ardenne 1948
Sunday Times, The - contains review Research v. Literature 1946
Tales from the Perilous Realm 1997
Tale of Gondolin, The - adapted by Alex Lewis 1994
Time and Tide - contains poem Imram 1955
Times Literary Supplement - contains review Holy Maidenhood 1923
Tolkien and the Great War - John Garth 2003
Tolkien and the Silmarillion - Clyde Kilby 1977
Tolkien Compass, A - ed. Jared Lobdell - contains Guide to the Names in The Lord of the Rings 1975
Tolkien Journal - includes poem A Elbereth Gilthoniel with an English translation 1966
Tolkien: Life and Legend 1992
Transactions of the Honourable Society Cymmrodorion Session 1923-24 - contains a translation into Middle English 1925
Transactions of the Philological Society - contains essay Chaucer as a Philologist: The Reeve's Tale 1934
Treason of Isengard, The 1989
Tree and Leaf 1964
Tree and Leaf, Smith of Wootton Major [and] The Homecoming of Beorhtnoth 1975
Triode - contains a letter to the editor - comments on Arthur R. Weir's essay No Monroe in Lothlorien! 1960
Two Towers, The 1954
Unfinished Tales 1980
Vinyar Tengwar 41 - includes Etymological Notes on the Ósanwe-kenta, From the Shibboleth of Fëanor and Notes on Óre 2000
Vinyar Tengwar 42 - contains The Rivers and Beacon-hills of Gondor and Negation in Quenya 2001
Vinyar Tengwar 43 - contains Words of Joy: Five Catholic Prayers - Part One 2002
Vinyar Tengwar 44 - contains Words of Joy: Five Catholic Prayers - Part Two 2002
Vinyar Tengwar 45 - contains Addenda and Corrigenda to the Etymologies - Part One 2003
Vinyar Tengwar 46 - contains Addenda and Corrigenda to the Etymologies - Part Two 2004
Vinyar Tengwar 47 - contains Eldarin Hands, Fingers & Numerals and Related Writings - Part One 2005
Vinyar Tengwar 48 - contains Eldarin Hands, Fingers & Numerals and Related Writings - Part Two 2005
Vinyar Tengwar 49 - contains Eldarin Hands, Fingers & Numerals and Related Writings - Part Three 2007
War of the Jewels, The 1994
War of the Ring, The 1990
Welsh Review, The - contains poem The Lay of Aotrou and Itroun 1945
Winter's Tales for Children 1 - ed. Caroline Hillier - contains poems The Dragon's Visit and Once Upon a Time 1965
Year's Work in English Studies 1923 - eds. Lee and Boas - contains review essay Philology 1924
Year's Work in English Studies 1924 - eds. Boas and Herford - contains review essay Philology 1926
Year's Work in English Studies 1925 - eds. Boas and Herford - contains review essay Philology 1927
Yorkshire Poetry - contains poem The cat and the fiddle: A nursery-rhyme undone and its scandalous secret unlocked 1923
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